Pucker Up The Benefits of KissingHe gathered her into his strong arms, his deep brown eyes gazing lovingly into hers as he slowly lowered his lips ? teasingly, provocatively ? his breath baring his very soul as their lips finally joined, fusing their souls together for eternity. A scene from a steamy novel, you say? How about wishful thinking on your part? Well, wish no more! What you are about to read may be good for your health. Be prepared to pucker up! The history of kissing has been officially documented as far back as 1500 B.C. Some say that kissing originated in prehistoric times, where babies were fed a pre-chewed meal so as to avoid choking. This mouth-to-mouth feeding became a sign of trust, dependence and affection between mother and child, a comforting habit carried on into adulthood. Putting history aside, one thing for certain, kissing plays a very important role in keeping the fires burning in a relationship. Your partner needs to feel appreciated. Your partner needs your love and affection. A kiss can express all that and more.
Unfortunately, too many couples are caught up in the "busy-ness of life" and the kiss has turned into a fleeting peck on the cheek, if anything at all. Excuses range from being "too busy" to "too tired," to "it was fun in the beginning, but now ?" It comes as no surprise then that many couples' theme song has become Where is the Love? Here's some straight from the heart advice from a Romance Agent: Wake up and shape up! I'll assume you've all heard the saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Here's another one: "A kiss a day keeps others away." Sadly, loneliness is often the underlying reason for having a love affair. Plain and simple, relationships require work. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't much experience in living a real relationship. Just like you don't sit idly by on your job (let's hope you don't), the same is required in your relationship with that special someone in your life. You made the effort at the beginning of your relationship, why not now? Kissing is a fun place to start. Think back to those first few kisses with your sweetheart. Remember the passion the two of you felt each time your lips met. Surely that brought back some wonderful feelings! So, why is it that we wouldn't want to keep that same feeling with us today and everyday? Kissing creates and maintains intimacy. It enables you to bond with your partner. Kissing also makes you feel good about yourself, not to mention the many health benefits it awards you: Kissing is very good for the teeth. Those of you who aren't overly fond of dentists will be encouraged to know that research has found kissing to help prevent plaque build-up.Hopefully this means fewer visits to the dentist for some of us. Kissing is good for the heart, as it creates an adrenaline which causes your heart to pump more blood around your body. Kissing Aerobics, anyone? Studies have indicated that those who kiss their partner goodbye each morning live five years longer than those who don't. Kissing is great for the self-esteem. It makes you feel appreciated. Kissing can aid in slowing the ageing process. For example, a fairly passionate kiss exercises as much as 29 muscles in the cheek and jaw, not to mention the esthetic benefits it brings to the colour and fullness of your lips. Move over Angelina Jolie and Mick Jagger ? you've got competition! Kissing burns calories, from 6-12 calories in a gentle kiss to as much as 300 in a lovemaking session! Forget Atkins?; try the kissing diet! Kissing is known to be a stress-reliever, triggering the release of oxytocin, the "feel-good-all-over" hormone. It's no wonder LouLou L'Amour, author of The ABC's of Tease & Please, recommends kissing "10 seconds?longer if needed" and to repeat often! So, go ahead, be healthy and celebrate each day with a kiss. Give your honey a big smooch and reap all the benefits! Oh, why stop at just one kiss? Bring on the chap stick!..Leona Hamel is a Romance Agent, speaker, coach and author of The ABC's of Tease and Please - A Romance Handbook, as well as a contributing author to A First Serving of Milk and Cookies for Success. Passionate about human connection, Leona works with men and women who want to explore their romantic creativity and experience more passion, fun and success in their life. Visit for new articles, tips and trivia each month. Don't forget to sign up for LouLou's Love Lesson!. By: Leona Hamel
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